The goal of UT2 is to provide users with the most complete and realistic real-world airline flights worldwide, offer new levels of AI Traffic design, and revolutionize the FSX skies. Como poner trafico en el simulador FSX ICE AI Traffic 6.0 Chrisair 796 subscribers Subscribe 10K views 5 years ago Hola a todos hoy les traigo un tutorial de como poner trafico en. Ice AI Traffic is a Windows based AIRoads (AIRPilot. Download this program free of charge and install it. First of all there are some options you have to use to install AI Traffic on your computer. ICE AI Traffic for FSX is a freeware download from. Built in cooperation with our friends from Flag Mountain Software, AI Aardvark, and The Fruit Stand, UT2 takes advantage of the latest in AI technology. Our site only contains a free setup (ZIP) download link for ICE AI Traffic for FSX for Windows.

Personally, I enjoy putting AI traffic in myself.